It is not too often that one is able to read some good news
on an environmental matter of any scale. Usually the claim for any successful
accomplishment in matters to do with the environment relates to a building
design that has achieved a particularly high ‘star rating,’ or to a special
programme that has received funding from the government, with any outcome being
based on hope and enthusiasm rather than the actual realization of any aim. The
propaganda usually has more to do with public relations than the making of any
significant change in the world that might have an impact on people’s lives by
improving circumstances for many. So it is that one sees universities boasting
and gloating about an energy-efficient new building, or a politician declaring
over-enthusiastically, funding for some new, local clean-up programme, with
much self-importance.
The BBC story on the Wadi Hanifah scheme is unusually good
news for an environmental story as it is a significant project that has achieved
a real outcome – and has changed lives: see
Wadi Hanifah: An oasis where Saudi citizens can really relax
The fertile Wadi Hanifah
valley running through part of Riyadh was for years a rubbish dump and a public
health hazard, but now it's been transformed into a vast park, with lakes that
attract cool breezes. It's an oasis so large it's hard to police - making it a
place for Saudi citizens to relax, in more senses than one.
. . . . .
As a village, then a small town, Riyadh grew
sustainably with its population. But from the 1970s rapid growth quickly
overwhelmed the city's ecosystems.
Construction firms mined Wadi Hanifah for minerals.
The valley was blocked by encroaching farmland. Seasonal flooding swept
pollutants into residential neighbourhoods and then left stagnant water,
jeopardising public health.
Yet today, Wadi Hanifah shows few signs of its
polluted past.
At Al Elb, on Riyadh's scorched northern outskirts,
I walked along Wadi Hanifah beside high desert bluffs.
to Wadi Hanifah have given children a new place to play
Palm trees now shade a line of carefully designed
picnic pods, each comprising a horseshoe of roughly finished limestone slabs,
offering secluded valley views.
More slabs, laid horizontally, create steps down to
the valley floor, where children scamper along nature trails and families
lounge under the acacias.
"Riyadh has no open space," says engineer
Saud Al Ajmi. "Wadi Hanifah has become a place to breathe."
Since 2001 the ArRiyadh Development Authority has
been restoring and redeveloping the valley, clearing rubbish, grading the
banks, landscaping and replanting native flora.
In other big cities you might head up to high ground
for a breath of air. In Riyadh, you head down.
Wadi Hanifah acts like a flue, drawing cool breezes
over the city to disperse smog and temper the heat.
It is a very long, very thin
. . . . .
The scale of
this scheme does make one ponder on other possibilities, and raises questions
about our efforts in matters environmental. We seem very good at listening to
the blurb and believing that we are achieving something useful - enough to
praise ourselves and feel good about life - when in fact very little is being
achieved. The scale of much of our self-praise frequently outshines the reality
of the outcome. One building might be a start, just as local effort to clean
out portion of a nearby creek might be useful in a micro manner; but much more
needs to happen if we are ever to achieve something like the results reported
on the Wadi Hanifah scheme.
Instead of
itemised units that get detailed attention, the scale of our approach must
change. Planning is involved here as well as environmental science and
design. Sadly, the outcomes presently being achieved by planners in the
development of our towns, cities and regions does not give one much hope. In
spite of this profession having more members than ever before in the history of
mankind, things just seem to keep getting worse. Plans are published with such
vague parameters that anything seems to be possible with a little
‘negotiation.’ Success is measured by ‘proper’ paperwork rather than any review
of the real outcomes. Indeed, results seem to be irrelevant. The core issue
appears to be the ticking of all of the required boxes. Whether the proposal
and its details as agreed/approved are ever likely to be possible seems to be
of no concern to anyone in authority. Even proving to an authority that details
of a proposal make no sense and will be unable to be implemented - no matter
how wonderful they might sound or look on paper - seems to be of no concern.
The core issue is the final approval and the closing of the file - and the politics
of the situation. Whether the document one sends in by way of objection gets
lost or not is of no concern either. One sometimes feels that others prefer
them ‘lost.’ Frequently they might as well end up disappearing, for all the
attention they are given.
So how do things
change? There has to be a commitment to real outcomes rather than to assessing
and approving schemes and proposals as words and illustrations matched against
other texts and diagrams. Planning must start taking responsibility for results.
Lives are involved, not merely presumptions, policies and preferences. This is
not the ‘give us any proposal and we’ll look at it,’ proposition that leaves
everything open to chats and cheque books. It is working hard to always
determine real impacts and outcomes, and then reviewing these so that feedback
can then inform other futures. Once this circular process starts controlling
possibilities - real outcomes - then we will find that the parts might start
joining together to give us something larger of substance.
The ideal would
be to tackle matters on the large scale, but if this is not possible, then the
gathering of the parts that are all environmentally sensitive and responsible -
and beautifully designed - could give us a larger whole that is truly planned
and co-ordinated with ambition and integrity, rather than merely being
manipulated to maximize profits and benefits for a few. The failure of the
success of the role of persuasive debate and argument in a project application
can be seen everywhere in our cities, towns and regions. Planning has to change
if we are to make a difference.
It should also make us more aware of the importance of those parts of our country that are already so special as to be recognized by the world as World Heritage areas - like Springbrook. Instead of continually dreaming of ways to develop these places for profit and play, we need to work hard just to maintain the qualities that have been recognised for this listing to have been made. A World Heritage area is already an oasis in a sea of development that needs very careful management and planning if it is to be there for future generations.
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